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Bedlington Terrier Colours

Looking to know more about the changing colours of a Bedlington Terrier?  Read on.

Bedlington Terriers come in three colours and two colours with points.

The colours of a Bedlington Terrier are described as Blue, Liver and Sandy.  Blue is the most common as this is the dominant gene.  White and black are not recognised colours.  Puppies can also come in Blue with tan points or Liver with tan points.  However, once they are an adult they will look identical to their counterparts as the points blend into their lighter adult coat. 

Blue Bedlington Terriers are black as a puppy.  Their coat gets lighter as they grow and will be fully stabilised by the age of  2.  Blue Bedlington's have a silver grey coat with a black nose, deep brown - almost black coloured eyes with a dark outer rim. Their skin has grey pigmentation. 

Liver Bedlington Terriers are brown as a puppy and Sandys are a lighter brown. Liver are a light mushroom colour and Sandys are a light sand colour.  They both have brown noses, hazel eyes, a brown outer rim with brown skin pigmentation. 

All colours have a whitest coat on the head, ears tips and leg furnishings.


































One of the most unique and interesting facts about a Bedlington's coat colour is that pigment varies throughout the year due to hormonal and natural changes.  This is considered fine as long as it remains within the required standard. No two Bedlington's will generally look identical in colour.

In the UK, you may hear of 'Granitor lines'.  If a Bedlington has Granitor in their bloodline their coat will tend to stay darker.  So, if you have a Bedlington and are wondering why they aren't getting lighter.  Check their lineage and you may find Granitor hidden away in its past. 

Image credits to the Kennel Club.

Bedlington terrier puppies displaying their coat colours when newborn
Colours of a bedlington terriers coat including blue, liver and sandy
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